Black Friday or Broke Friday!


Before I talk about Black Friday, I thought I would update you on my pre-operation appointment at the hospital this week.   As I mentioned in a previous post my family doctor told me they are no longer able to fill out the pre-operative history documentation given a change made by the Canadian Government back in October.   With my surgical envelope package in hand with one form not completed, I arrived at the Hospital Welcome centre.  The line up was out the door and around the corner.  I inadverently overheard one of the receptionists say that they were down 2 people.   I was impressed at how quickly they kept the line moving.  Once registered, I headed to another area of the hospital and was given a “passport” with several things highlighted indicating the various activities and who I had to see.   I had to get bloodwork, do an EKG, see the nurse, see the pharmacist, and even talk to the anesthesiologist.   Each person would initial my passport and pass me along.  It was very organized and I was there for a couple of hours.  I can partly see why it isn’t totally necessary to have a pre-history done by your family doctor.  That said, I was prepared and had all the details of my health history.   I have no idea what they would do if the patient was clueless about their medications or didn’t have relevant health history or accurate records of their allergies etc.  Worse yet, what if they didn’t speak the language or had dementia or alzeheimers?   I bet they would have to contact their general practioner and the process would just take longer.  Also, I guess I seemed believable but what if I had incorrect info, I didn’t see anyone verify it.   Even the pharmacist I spoke to said if she was able to grade the patients she sees she would have given me an A+.   I am guessing they would have to spend more time getting information from patients that didn’t come prepared.

Anyway, I am all set to go under the knife for my surgery next Monday.  I am having a salpingo-oophorectomy.  Bye Bye ovaries and fallopian tubes!  They did their job and now it’s time for their retirement.  Next week, I expect I can update you on how the surgery went…

The good news?!  I won’t have the energy to battle the crowds in any malls for Christmas Shopping. That is, if, I start shopping next week.   There is always a bright side to every situation!  I am not sure if my family will buy this excuse because they know there is “on-line” shopping!  Even that sounds like too much work… Hahahahaha

Thankfully, I don’t really have too many people to buy for!  Instead of presents, it may be better to do “kind acts” or provide “experiential” gifts.  For example, I want to try “axe throwing” or go to an “escape room”.    I think for my immediate family, I will give them gifts called “acts of kindness”   I think Christmas shopping is done!  I think I am pretty kind to clean the house, do laundry, make dinners and pick up after them….yup Christmas gifts done!   Ok, I am somewhat kidding…  Honestly, I get whatever my family needs as they need it, all year long.   Gift giving for Christmas feels like a big commercial gimic.   I feel good, giving gifts, if I am positive that whoever I am buying for really needs the gift or will truly appreciate it…   Plus I like a good deal for a quality item.

As it stands, if I do have the energy, I am going to have to head out before end of this week to shop.  Lo and behold, this Friday is Black Friday!!  I read an article that Black Friday came from the tradition of department store parades sponsored around Thanksgiving in the United States to kick off the holiday shopping season and to push people to the stores.  It said the term “Black Friday” started in the mid 1960’s but only caught on about 2 decades later in 1980’s.   Retailers began to reveal that the “Black Friday” term was in reference to the day after Thanksgiving being the first day profits would move out of the red and into the black. Ka-ching!!  In Canada, our Black Friday is lower key than in United States.   Also I didn’t notice it until maybe the last 5 years… Our Canadian sales don’t compare to those in United States who make “dying for a discount” a true statement.  Apparently there is a website dedicated to tracking how many people died while shopping on Black Friday.

Well, I am always up for a sale and will probably venture out on Friday to see if I can capitalize on any good sales.  I am just not up to dying for a sale or dying to shop so first sign of major crowds….I am out of there!

For those of you that, will venture out, make sure your Black Friday isn’t called Broke Friday!  Some of our sales aren’t that great of a savings…   Now, if you live in the States, be careful and try not to land your name on the Black Friday Kill Count site.

Happy Black Friday shopping!!


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1 Comment

  • Good Luck next Monday. As usual I enjoyed your Life with Laughter and Black Friday comments. It sounds like your busier than when you were working. Judging by the columns you have been writing, you like it that way. They are all very informative. Stay Crazy

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